
Thank you Daniel.

I agree that Heart Lands could be an ideal that the good people of the world could follow.

Blessings to you and your family.


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In my country there was a very large increase in costs, due to the printing of money without being backed by gold. there are more bolivars than dollars on the streets of Venezuela. therefore the dollars increased their value here, this means that most of the businesses that sell their merchandise in dollars, have come to double their prices. If a carton of eggs used to cost $5, now it costs $10. This makes poor families like mine go hungry. To this we add the double cost of services.


Heart Lands, can you be a ray of light in this immense darkness. as described by the very talented writer of "HeartLands Chronicle", allowing the citizens of Heart Lands to carve out their own path.

"ALLOW citizens total freedom to choose how, with whom and with what they will trade"


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